

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lawmakers want to explore sun, wind

Lawmakers want to explore sun, wind

By Anton Caputo - Express-News
January's legislative session could be a big one for renewable energy sources like solar, wind and geothermal.

That's the message state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, Rep. Mike Villarreal and others brought to the Solar San Antonio Legislative Breakfast Thursday morning.

Lawmakers said they expect to build next session on the recent political momentum generated by the state's decision to spend $5 billion on transmission projects to move wind generated power from West Texas and the Panhandle to the state's larger cities. The results could mean several pieces of new legislation to help jumpstart a wide array of renewable energy sources. Texas already leads the nation in wind production.

The legislation will likely include a $250 million state bond for renewable energy projects, an expenditure that would also have to be approved by voter referendum. The bond nearly passed last session, said Van de Putte, but was dropped late in the session in favor of other spending priorities.

Renewable energy proponents are also eyeing a statewide requirement to produce a certain amount of energy, possibly 3,000 megawatts by 2020, by renewable energy other than wind.

Such requirements have been key in the state's wind energy success, which proponents like Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, are seeking to emulate with solar.

“Next session I think we're really going to be looking at solar in a different light,” she said. “It is no secret to anyone that we have the perfect weather conditions.”

The Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association will also lobby the legislature to boost the market for residential solar power by requiring that a certain amount of energy be produced by small-distributed power projects like home solar panels and small-scale windmills.

Friday, December 26, 2008

AltE Positions Itself for Cost Effective DIY Alternative Energy

AltE Positions Itself for Cost Effective DIY Alternative Energy

AltE, formerly the Alternative Energy Store, is experiencing a sharp rise in interest in alternative energy technology for individual homeowners. Despite the economic downturn, with the passing of the Alternative Energy tax credits and incentives and the cost effectiveness of DIY renewable energy, AltE is excited to be positioned to help consumers get ahead.

"Our goal has always been to help people integrate cost effective renewable energy technology into their homes," said Sascha Deri, CEO of AltE. "Unless utility companies themselves start to complete installations of alternative energy, encouraging do-it-yourselfers is one of the only ways the alternative energy sector can truly be assured of adoption at the residential level."

In today's economic climate, many are concerned about where to put their money or what will offer the best return on investment. Additionally, many are faced with rising heating costs and escalating living expenses and homeowners are looking for ways to offset those rising costs in the most effective manner. One of the best ways to invest wisely and offset the costs of running a home or rental property is by looking at renewable energy and technologies like solar thermal, solar electric and wind turbines. Renewable energy offers a 10-30% return on investment and the technology is designed to last for decades.

"When we started this company almost ten years ago, we did it because we saw the long term benefits of offering consumers a DIY solution for renewable energy. Not only is the technology green and harnessing solar or wind power, it's also fiscally sensible. Today's economic climate absolutely supports what we've always tried to do - encourage people to make a smaller impact on the earth and invest wisely in technology that is a sure win," said Deri.

As much of the Alternative Energy sector can attest, the largest obstacles in widespread adoption of these technologies are knowledge about how they work and financing the projects. Now that the tax incentives have been signed into law and extended for years to come, some of the financial obstacles have been removed, and companies like AltE are working hard to begin closing the knowledge gap as well.

"We have spent a great deal of time building out a comprehensive library of articles, developing webinars and live seminars and training our technical sales staff to help guide our customers towards the right renewable energy solution for them. We want to act as a guide, helping people choose the most cost effective, efficient system for their home. We help folks to understand the initial investment and how quickly their system will pay for itself. That is, of course, what we love best - that even the largest systems will eventually yield a return!" said Deri.

The way AltE differentiates itself in the market is by catering specifically to the DIY alternative energy homeowner. They have long proselytized the idea that Renewable is Do-able™ and in today's economic climate, that message resonates with many. The average grid-tie residential solar electric system costs between $9 and $12 per watt to purchase and install in a home. That means that a home using an average of 500 KW Hours per month will need a system that costs between $37K and $50K.

By eliminating the expense of an installer and limited use of a licensed electrician, homeowners can knock the cost down to between $7 and $10 per watt, so a house needing a monthly average of 500 KW Hours will need a system that costs between $30K and $42K. With added tax incentives and utility company rebates, this kind of savings makes solar power a reachable goal for thousands more residential homeowners.

"We work with a huge variety of consumers and so many of them initially believed that this technology is too difficult and complicated to install themselves. The truth is that a huge percentage of "handy" men and women could absolutely install most of the existing technology today with some assistance by licensed electrician or plumber to assure code compliance. That's why we've built out a huge resource section with tons of articles and that's why we've begun offering seminars and classes. We want to empower consumers and help them get ahead in the most economical way possible," continued Deri. "We want to be your friend in Renewable Energy - that guy or gal next door who knows about this stuff and makes the installation and benefits of alternative energy an attainable goal."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Commercial use of Renewable Energy

Commercial use of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy represents a viable alternative to grid sourced electricity for most sections of Commerce and Industry. In all cases there is an environmental benefit to an appropriately installed system, in the majority of cases, the installation can show real cost and business benefits.

Solar Water Heating can be more appropriate for commercial activities where a regular supply of hot water is required during the daylight hours rather than the domestic environment where there is a need to balance storage of hot water for use in the morning and evening with generation during the day.

Electricity generated from solar electric panels is available during the hours of business, a Solar PV installation can be tailored to provide electricity up to the normal level of consumption, thus there is no requirement for export metering nor associated administration.

Perhaps the most appropriate installation would be Wind Turbines, in particular where there is a continuous process. Though the majority of energy might still be grid fed, 100% of the electricity from a tailored wind turbine system would supplant mains fed electricity. Thus the relative value of the per Kwh wind generated electricity would be the same as the 'delivered' value of mains electricity.

Though the capital cost of renewable energy installations might appear un-economic. For the business user there are grants and significant tax incentives.

BrightLightSolar has many years of experience in energy and utility cost management including understanding the grant application process and tax incentives available. We are able to provide a full service including identifying and sourcing additional funding, recommending and installing the most approriate renewable energy equipment

Commercial use of Renewable Energy
As more areas are linked to the expanding GSM network the need for reliable, remote power increases.

The power required by GSM transmitters, receivers and Microwave links is reducing as technologies improve. This means that solar energy in this field is becoming more and more competitive and cost effective, especially as a carefully designed solar power system will provide uninterrupted power 365 days a year.

Systems of this type operate by charging a large battery bank when the sun shines. This stores energy for cloudy days and for operation at night time.

Regional solar data is used to provide monthly average forecasts for power output from the solar and using the worst solar month as a base line a system can be dsigned that will provide clean, reliable power to the equipment all year round.

Since each piece of equipment is slightly different in the way it operates and the precise amount of power it consumes, and because every area of the world has quite different sunshine levels, it is necessary to take each application on a case by case basis.

If you have a potential Telecoms application then we would be pleased to hear from you and would be happy to work with you to produce a solar power system engineered for your application. Please use the questionnaire provided to give all the relevant details.
Businesses around the world are discovering that solar can provide real advantages as a source of power generation.

If your business is located in an area that lacks a reliable supply of grid electricity, you should consider solar for your needs. Bright Light Solar Ltd has the technical and practical expertise to deliver cost-effective energy solutions to your business. Our systems can be used either by themselves or in conjunction with an alternative (but intermittent) energy source - such as grid electricity or diesel generation.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Energy Facts

Energy Consumption

  • Though accounting for only 5 percent of the world's population, Americans consume 26 percent of the world's energy. (American Almanac)

  • In 1997, U.S. residents consumed an average of 12,133 kilowatt-hours of electricity each, almost nine times greater than the average for the rest of the world. (Grist Magazine)

  • Worldwide, some 2 billion people are currently without electricity. (U.S. Department of Energy)

  • Total U.S. residential energy consumption is projected to increase 17 percent from 1995 - 2015. (U.S. Energy Information Administration)

  • World energy consumption is expected to increase 40% to 50% by the year 2010, and the global mix of fuels--renewables (18%), nuclear (4%), and fossil (78%)--is projected to remain substantially the same as today; thus global carbon dioxide emissions would also increase 50% to 60%.

  • Among industrialized and developing countries, Canada consumes per capita the most energy in the world, the United Sates ranks second, and Italy consumes the least among industrialized countries.

  • Developing countries use 30% of global energy. Rapid population growth, combined with economic growth, will rapidly increase that percentage in the next 10 years.

  • The World Bank estimates that investments of $1 trillion will be needed in this decade and upwards of $4 trillion during the next 30 years to meet developing countries' electricity needs alone.

  • America uses about 15 times more energy per person than does the typical developing country.

  • Residential appliances, including heating and cooling equipment and water heaters, consume 90% of all energy used in the U.S. residential sector.

  • The United States spends about $440 billion annually for energy. Energy costs U.S. consumers $200 billion and U.S. manufacturers $100 billion annually.

Global Warming

  • Worldwide, 1995 was the warmest year since global temperatures were first kept in 1856. This supports the near consensus among climatologists that emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases are causing global warming. (Chivilan and Epstein, Boston Globe)

  • On average, 16 million tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere every 24 hours by human use worldwide. (U.S. Department of Energy)

  • Carbon emissions in North America reached 1,760 million metric tons in 1998, a 38 percent increase since 1970. They are expected to grow another 31 percent, to 2,314 million metric tons, by the year 2020. (U.S. Department of Energy)

  • The United States is the world's largest single emitter of carbon dioxide, accounting for 23 percent of energy-related carbon emissions worldwide. (U.S. Department of Energy)

  • An average of 23,000 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted annually in each American home. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

  • The transportation sector consumed 35% of the nation's energy in 1990; this sector is 97% dependent on petroleum.

  • Fossil fuels are depleted at a rate that is 100,000 times faster than they are formed.


  • Approximately 30,000 lives are cut short in the U.S. each year due to pollution from electricity production. (ABT Associates study)

  • About 81 tons of mercury are emitted into the atmosphere each year as a result of electric power generation. Mercury is the most toxic heavy metal in existence. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

  • Burning fossil fuels to produce energy releases carbon dioxide and other global-warming-causing gases into the atmosphere. Global warming will increase the incidence of infectious diseases (including equine encephalitis and Lyme disease), death from heat waves, blizzards, and floods, and species loss. (Chivilan and Epstein, Boston Globe, April 10, 1997)


  • The United States consumes about 17 million barrels of oil per day, of which nearly two-thirds is used for transportation.

  • The United States imports more than seven million barrels of oil per day.

  • While the world's population doubled between 1950 and 1996, the number of cars increased tenfold. Automobile congestion in the United States alone accounts for $100 billion in wasted fuel, lost productivity, and rising health costs. Still, analysts project that the world's fleet of cars will double in a mere 25 years. (Worldwatch Institute)

  • Americans use a billion gallons of motor oil a year, 350 million gallons of which end up polluting the environment. (Department of Energy and Maryland Energy Administration)

  • A car that gets 20 miles per gallon (mpg) emits approximately 50 tons of global-warming-inducing carbon dioxide over its lifetime, while a 40-mpg car emits only 25 tons. Over the average lifetime of an American car (100,000 miles), a 40-mpg car will also save approximately $3,000 in fuel costs compared to a 20-mpg car. (Natural Resources Defense Council)

  • The cars and trucks reaching the junkyards this year have higher gasoline mileage, on average, than the new ones rolling off dealers' lots, for the first time on record. (Matt Wald, The New York Times, August 11, 1997)


  • Only 7.5 percent of total U.S. energy consumption came from renewable sources in 1998. Of that total, 94 percent was from hydropower and biomass (trash and wood incinerators). (U.S. Energy Information Administration)

  • For the 2 billion people without access to electricity, it would be cheaper to install solar panels than to extend the electrical grid. (The Fund for Renewable Energy Everywhere)

  • Within 15 years, renewable energy could be generating enough electricity to power 40 million homes and offset 70 days of oil imports.


  • Providing power for villages in developing countries is a fast-growing market for photovoltaics. The United Nations estimates that more than 2 million villages worldwide are without electric power for water supply, refrigeration, lighting, and other basic needs, and the cost of extending the utility grids is prohibitive, $23,000 to $46,000 per kilometer in 1988.

  • A one kilowatt PV system* each month:

    • prevents 150 lbs. of coal from being mined

    • prevents 300 lbs. of CO2 from entering the atmosphere

    • keeps 105 gallons of water from being consumed

    • keeps NO and SO2 from being released into the environment

    * in Colorado, or an equivalent system that produces 150 kWh per month


  • Wind power is the fastest-growing energy source in the world. (Worldwatch Institute)

  • The wind in North Dakota alone could produce a third of America's electricity. (The Official Earth Day Guide to Planet Repair)

  • Wind power has the potential to supply a large fraction--probably at least 20%--of U.S. electricity demand at an economical price.

  • In 1990, California's wind power plants offset the emission of more than 2.5 billion pounds of carbon dioxide, and 15 million pounds of other pollutants that would have otherwise been produced.

  • Using 100 kWh of wind power each month is equivalent to:

    • planting ½ acre of trees

    • not driving 2,400 miles

Solar Thermal

  • Research shows that an average household with an electric water heater spends about 25% of its home energy costs on heating water.

  • Solar water heaters offered the largest potential savings, with solar water-heater owners saving as much as 50% to 85% annually on their utility bills over the cost of electric water heating.

  • You can expect a simple payback of 4 to 8 years on a well-designed and properly installed solar water heater. (Simple payback is the length of time required to recover your investment through reduced or avoided energy costs.)

  • Solar water heaters do not pollute. By investing in one, you will be avoiding carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and the other air pollution and wastes created when your utility generates power or you burn fuel to heat your household water. When a solar water heater replaces an electric water heater, the electricity displaced over 20 years represents more than 50 tons of avoided carbon dioxide emissions alone.

Alternative Fuels

  • Using biodiesel in a conventional diesel engine substantially reduces emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and particulate matter.

  • Biodiesel:

    • can be used at 100% levels or mixed in any proportion with No. 2 diesel or No. 1 diesel.

    • Contains no nitrogen or aromatics

    • Typically contains less than 15 ppm sulfur - Does not contribute to sulfur dioxide emissions

    • Has characteristically low carbon monoxide, particulate, soot and hydrocarbon emissions

    • Contains 11% oxygen by weight

    • Has the highest energy content (BTUs) of any alternative fuel and is comparable to No. 1 diesel.

  • Over 4,000 electric vehicles are operating throughout the United States (with the largest number in California and the western United States).

  • More than 20,000 flexible-fuel vehicles are in operation.

  • Over 75,000 natural gas vehicles in U.S. and nearly 1 million worldwide.

Energy Efficiency

  • By taking appropriate energy-saving measures, by 2010 the United States can have an energy system that reduces costs by $530 per household per year and reduces global warming pollutant emissions to 10 percent below 1990 levels. (Energy Innovations report)

  • Just by using the "off the shelf" energy-efficient technologies available today, we could cut the cost of heating, cooling, and lighting our homes and workplaces by up to 80%. (U.S. Department of Energy and Maryland Energy Administration)

  • Replacing one incandescent lightbulb with an energy-saving compact fluorescent bulb means 1,000 pounds less carbon dioxide is emitted to the atmosphere and $67 dollars is saved on energy costs over the bulb's lifetime. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Alliance to Save Energy)

  • A decrease of only 1% in industrial energy use would save the equivalent of about 55 million barrels of oil per year, worth about $1 billion.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Building for the Future: Sustainable Home Design ONLINE

Building for the Future: Sustainable Home Design ONLINE

Register now!

Renewable energy is one of the most important tools we have to combat a changing climate. In order for us to make the most out of sun, wind, and micro-hydro power, we must start by making every home and building energy efficient. This can happen with smart design in new construction, smart consumer choices of energy efficient technologies and systems, and the know-how to build new and retrofit existing structures.

Whether you're building your own house or simply want to talk knowledgeably with those who will build it for you, these workshops will help you understand the home design principles that make use of both new and centuries old methods and materials for sustainable living. These workshops are also suitable as a prerequisite for those interested in becoming professionals in the field of sustainable design and for those design professionals interested in capably meeting their clients' demand for sustainable design.

Building for the Future Online will focus on the principles behind designing and building residential structures that achieve optimal year-round comfort, reduce energy consumption, improve indoor air quality, and limit environmental impact. The emphasis is on integrated design using a whole-building approach, applying building science and integrating green design strategies into the built environment. Also covered will be the synergistic relationship between climate-sensitive design and natural building materials.

Designed to compliment each other, the Building for the Future online & face-to-face courses can be taken independently to bring you up to speed or combined with each other to solidify knowledge. Both courses provide a solid overview of building a sustainable home with specifics in site analysis, building science, energy efficiency, passive solar design and alternatives to conventional building materials & techniques. In addition to online curriculum, participants will receive The Building With Awareness video, the book Your Green Home by Alex Wilson, and industry related hand-outs, and numerous Internet resource links. A course glossary, extensive resource guide and case studies of successful sustainable homes are included online. You can work on the Building for the Future Online course at ANYTIME, but you will generally need between 8-15 hrs/week to complete assignments/quizzes and participate in online discussions.

The Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technologies (CERET) offers certificates in Renewable Energy to provide students with the theoretical knowledge necessary to begin a career in energy management and renewable energy technology. Certificates are granted through Madison Area Technical College (MATC). SEI's online courses qualify for college credits through MATC and towards a Renewable Energy Certificate. Click here for more information on CERET's Renewable Energy Certificates."

Students residing outside the United States must pay an extra fee for shipping of course materials. Contact SEI for details.

Topics Include
  • Building Orientation
  • Solar Site Analysis
  • Lessons Learned
  • Building Science
  • Moisture & Air Leakage
  • Super-Insulation Strategies
  • New Window Technologies
  • Passive Solar Designs
  • Energy Efficient Technologies
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Sustainable Back-up Heating Systems
  • Healthy/Green Building Materials
  • Domestic Solar Hot Water
  • Renewable Energy Options
  • Practical Building Techniques
Workshop Title Dates Location Price Duration Status
Building for the Future ONLINE Feb. 23 -April 5, 2009 Online
$ 695
6 weeks
Building for the Future ONLINE Oct. 12 - Nov. 22, 2009 Online
$ 695
6 weeks

Related Reading

Home Energy Diet by Paul Scheckel

More Strawbale Building by Chris Magwood, Peter Mack, and Tina Therrien

The Solar House by Daniel D. Chiras

Friday, December 12, 2008

Photovoltaic Design & Installation

Photovoltaic Design & Installation

Register now!

The photovoltaic market world-wide has experienced an enormous 35% growth rate over the last five years. This course was developed for those seeking employment in the booming solar industry or for homeowners looking to install their own systems or hire a contractor. This workshop starts out with the very basics of electricity, and incrementally accelerates students to safely design a code compliant solar-electric system. PV Design and Installation provides a strong foundation in grid-tied, grid-tied with battery backup, and stand-alone systems.

This workshop is certified by the Institute of Sustainable Power (ISP) and fulfills the educational requirements for Category 'B' of NABCEP's Solar PV Installer Certification. This course also qualifies you to take the NABCEP PV Entry Level "Certificate of Knowledge" Exam. The test, which consists of 60 multiple choice questions, takes approximately 2 hours to complete. Test will be administered from 6-8pm on the last day of each PV Design and Installation workshop. The cost of the test is $100. Students must register in advance with the SEI main office (call 970.963.8855). For more information on the NABCEP Entry Level Certification, please see their website at

If you are serious about getting into the solar industry, you should also plan to take Advanced PV: Design Criteria and NEC Compliance. This workshop is intended to follow our first tier of workshops with the next level of design criteria, wire sizing calculations, maintenance issues, troubleshooting skill, and more information on batteries, charge controllers and hybrid system. (Note: You must complete PV Design and Installation BEFORE taking Advanced PV.)

6-day vs. 10-day workshop
The Colorado PV D&I workshops include 5 days in the classroom and 5 days of hands-on installation in the SEI PV Lab Yard.

The off-site PV workshops are shortened versions of the workshops offered in Colorado. In the 6-day format, four days will be spent in the classroom and 2 days doing hands-on field work or mock installations.

Check out our Women's only PV Design & Installation workshop as well!

For more workshop details please click on the Location links below.

Students leave this workshop being able to:

• Cite energy efficient solutions to reduce the load of a home
• Incorporate local climate and site conditions in a PV system design
• Evaluate the differences between commercially available components: modules, inverters, controllers, batteries, and racks
• Obtain and apply module data from a spec sheet
• Perform load analysis for a home or business
• Size a grid-tied system: inverter, array, wire, disconnects, overcurrent protection
• List advantages/disadvantages for various mounting types
• List order of commissioning and decommissioning & safety hazards
• Define net metering and state incentive programs
• Size a stand-alone system and specify the appropriate components: inverter, wire, charge controller, batteries, and modules
• Perform detailed site evaluation for determining system location and installation details

Topics Include

  • Basics of Electricity
  • Solar Site Analysis
  • PV System Components
  • Energy Efficient Appliances
  • PV System Sizing
  • Component Specification
  • Stand-alone Systems
  • Utility-Interactive Systems
  • Electrical Wiring
  • Safety Procedures
  • Operation and Maintenance
Workshop Title
Location Price Duration Status
PV Design & Installation
February 16 - 21, 2009
Tucson, AZ
$ 995
6 days
PV Design & Installation
February 23 - 28, 2009
Tucson, AZ
$ 995
6 days
PV Design & Installation
March 16 - 21, 2009
Austin, TX
$ 995
6 days
PV Design & Installation
March 23 - 28, 2009
Austin, TX
$ 995
6 days

* Four $375 scholarships are available for the Tucson PV Design and Installation workshops. Scholarships are only available for customers of Tucson Electric Power (TEP) or UniSource Energy (UES), and will be awarded on an as-needed basis. Please call SEI's Carbondale office for more information (970.963.8855).

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Beat Those Rising Energy Bill Blues

Beat Those Rising Energy Bill Blues

Get The Very Best Deal From Your Energy Providers, then Slash Your Electricity and Gas Bills by up to 30% or more.

Enroll in... The Energy Management Course

Would suit Business Owners and Energy Managers wishing to expand their Professional expertise and apply it within their organizations and work places.

Would also suit Professional and Trades Persons wishing to expand into the exciting Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy fields.

Online Course Instructor: Emeritus Faculty Leader, Robert McMahon

Energy Consultant, C.Eng B.E(UNSW) F.I.Mar.EST. Cert. Energy Management

The Energy Management Course includes Eight Hours of Live Training with Mr. Solar Energy in 4 x 2 hour, Teleseminar Modules Plus Course Notes, Energy Audit Systems, Energy Manager's Manual, Forms, Materials and Q. and A. Sessions

Become a full time or part time Energy Auditor and add create another profit centre for your present work or business.

Heres what people say Online:


"Im from Doha- Qatar. Working as a Quantity Surveyor.I m interested to know some about your course, since I would like to learn energy auditing.Please update me"Riza Doha, Qatar


"Thanks Robert. It is very important to always think and plan ahead to achieve optimum success in any field of human endeavour. The in depth research/information you roll out all the time on new alternative energy developments is helping mankind in particular and the world in general. Please keep it up.. Cheers"Tanko Abdu Lagos, Nigeria


"Dear Sirs,Weldone, I really appreciate that you are giving me lot of informationWhen we read your whole, we are getting very good information from your system.We also were looking to install sollar Energy Power System.Thank you so much I am really thankful to you that you are giving me the whole information.Thank and Regards"Agha Haider Mirza Hyderabad, Pakistan


"Dear Robert;Thank you for sharing. I wish I have the chance to visit you in the future. Best regards."Sabah Al Jumaily Baghdad, Iraq


"Hi Robert.I just want to say thank you for all the information you send me, it gave me more knowledge on this matter, to tell you frankly I really want to convert my power usage into solar so that I can help in reducing the greenhouse effect on our mother earth.Thank you "Phen b Manila, Philippines


"Dear robert ,Thanks for your information pleas give me some educational institu..I dicided to have academic study(solar energy) at university. I have M.S level (environmental planing) from tehran university. Best regards"MOHAMMAD MAJIDI Tehran, Iran


"Dear Robert,I'm very happy with your proposal.Energy Auditing sounds fantastic to incorporatate.Do lets work this between us quickly.Best regards."Yong. Singapore

Course Fee $497.00($379 for a limited time only)

Enter Code: EAC3

at checkout to recieve the special price.

Could Be Worth $$$ Thousands To You - Money Back Guarantee

Click Here To Enrol Now

For a limited time only, enter code EAC3 to recieve a special price

Next Course commences 15th January 2009

Persons who enrol will be advised full log in details to the teleconference room in advance of the course.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Solar Electricity for the Developing World

Solar Electricity for the Developing World

Register now!

Learn to design and install photovoltaic systems for Rancho Mastatalthe developing world. Workshop participants learn system sizing, site analysis, hardware specification, and component selection. The workshop covers typical applications and case study examples. Install and upgrade real-world systems with current renewable energy equipment. This workshop is open to all who want to use PV and for those seeking employment in the solar industry.

Held at Rancho Mastatal, an environmental learning center and retreat located in the last virgin rainforest of Costa Rica's Puriscal County. Participants will stay at the center where they build using natural building techniques, including bamboo and cob, and support the use of renewable energy systems. Rancho Mastatal practices and promotes living responsibly in the tropics, while educating its visitors about the significance and majesty of the world's disappearing tropical forests. Take advantage of this great opportunity to enjoy one of Costa Rica's most undiscovered regions while learning about renewable energy.

In our sixth year at Rancho Mastatal, this winter's workshop builds on the success of our past workshops. Our program is focused on learning through hands-on work. We'll spend about one-third of our time in the classroom, studying renewable energy technology basics. The rest of our time will be in the field or lab, getting our hands dirty, learning by doing. The course is taught in both English and Spanish. Price includes dorm bed or camping, all meals and in-coutry transportation. Private accommodation may be available at additional cost (contact Rancho Mastatal). Ask about options for family members not taking the workshop.

Participants must arrive at the San Jose, Costa Rica airport by 2 PM on Thursday, January 1, and will be returned to the same airport by 2 PM on Friday, Jan 9.

Enrollment is very limited, so please register early.

Topics Include
  • Applications
  • Basics of Electricity
  • Solar Site Analysis
  • PV System Components
  • Energy Efficient Appliances
  • PV System Sizing
  • Component Specification
  • Solar Water Pumping
  • PV for Lesser Developed Countries
  • Safety Procedures
  • Tours of PV , Wind, and Hydro Systems
  • Laboratory Exercises
  • Hands-on Field Installation

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Solar Battery Charger

We have all experienced unpleasant situations when we were far away from home or did not have any electrical source nearby to charge our car or cell phone’s batteries. This can be a very frustrating situation. Those who have found themselves at least once in such a limited situation should know that they will not have to go through that never again thanks to the solar battery charger that has been invented.

Sometimes even though we have our battery charger with us we can not use it because we are wire limited. A solar battery charger will not limit your actions as it does not have any cords. This charger works by using the energy provided by the sun and you don’t have to pay anything for that. Some advanced models of battery charger can also work using any light source, including a lamp so you can use them by night too in case you do not have near at hand your classic battery charger.

Anyone has nowadays a cell phone and we have all become so addicted to them that we find ourselves helpless if the cell phone’s battery dies when we are not at home to charge it back. Having a solar battery charger can save us from a lot of stress as we can charge our phone’s battery no matter where we are. And this situation applies to all battery types. Going on a road trip or going camping will not allow us to use a traditional charger that uses cords so it is best to have a solar battery charger with us as we can use it where and when we please with no limitations.

The best thing about a solar battery charger is that it does not cost us anything to use it. Think of all the money you waste little by little when charging your batteries form the classical plug. You might think it does not cost you much to charge every day a battery but calculating in years of charging you will find out that you have wasted a nice sum of money on battery charging. As long as it is for free and it also protects nature why not use a solar battery charger?

A solar battery charger can be used for any battery type not only for the cell phone’s battery. You are not limited at all. Just give the solar battery charger a try and you will see you will never go back to the traditional battery charger after that.

Using a solar battery charger will not turn you into a slave of the battery charger. You can do whatever you please as you will not depend on the traditional battery charger any more. You will be able to charge your batteries whenever you please and anywhere you are located in even though you do not have a plug nearby.

Try the new solar battery chargers and change your life forever by being free!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Solar Panel Dealers

When you are looking for solar panel dealers, there are some important things you should keep in mind. For example, in what concerns the so-called peak tolerance rating, also known as minimum warranted power, negative tolerance rating, or minimum power max, there are a lot of people that do not know that they can pay for 200Watt solar panels for example, and receive 180Watt solar panels. It is important to discover if the solar panel has a poor minimum warranted power rating, and in this case, avoid that solar panel. In this way, you will not be tricked by solar panel dealers, even if they try to convince their solar panel is very good and has high efficiency. When you buy a solar panel, it is important to ask for the specification sheet, and look there for the minimum warranted power rating.

The state of California decided that before being approved for the state’s program, all solar panels must be tested by PVUsa, an independent laboratory. The test conditions are more stringent than the manufacturer uses, and after testing, a PTC rating will be assigned to the product. You should know that PTC rating means PVUsa.

You should also know that if a product has a number of watts in standard test conditions rating, that number will be lower in the PTC rating. When you go to solar panel dealers, always check for the PTC evaluation, and check what the manufacturer is guaranteeing that you’ll receive.

Because standard monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels have life expectancies of more than 40 years, manufacturers offer warranties for more than 25 years. However, there are some of them that offer less. A smart thing to do is to check for how long the company or the solar panel dealers are in business with solar panels.

You should know that if the solar panel has a higher efficiency, it will produce more power. It is known that usually, the solar cells that are cut from solid ingots of silicon have the highest efficiency. There are also technologies that avoid cutting solar cells from solid ingots of silicon, but although are cheaper, they are not so efficient.

A good thing to do is to ask the solar panel dealers about the factory printed specification sheet, that shows the solar module efficiency, and if they don’t give you that specification sheet, you should go somewhere else to buy solar panels.

When you shop for a solar electric system, you will surely want more rebate money. For accomplishing this, a good advice is to buy the highest efficiency inverter. The inverter’s warranty is also an important fact. It was seen that there are a lot of solar panel dealers that say they give many years of warranty for the solar panel, but they do not say anything about the inverter. Five years is the minimum warranty the state requires but the longer the warranty is, the better.

You should be very careful when looking for solar panels, ask many questions, and visit more solar panel dealers, in order to be able to choose the one that has the most attractive offer.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Solar Energy Technologies

Everybody knows that the cost of energy keeps on rising so it is not something to wonder about if people begin to focus on buying solar panels. As long as people have solar energy technologies they can use to produce cheaper energy for their daily house needs the solar panels will sell like hot bread for sure.

Solar energy technologies have their advantages, but as you will see further on in this article, they also have their limitations we must consider. Solar energy is produced by the sun, so we can say it is renewable, and thanks to the scientists that have developed solar energy technologies we can all take advantage almost for free of this nature blessing.

solar energy technology

Solar panels are a part of the solar energy technology and they are meant to capture the energy sun produces. A good thing about solar panels is that they can convert the solar energy into power for housekeeping or they can save the power for later needs. For this all solar panel owners should accessorize their panels with storage units. This will help them in the rainy days when they sun is not around to produce energy and the panel could be then set to release the previous collected energy. During nighttime the same thing is done for heating the house or providing power to some housekeeping objects.

Such solar energy technologies can bring a lot of advantages to those who use them. Heating up a house is made easy with a little quantity of energy. During winter solar panels can cool the home by providing the needed power to the air conditioner, but such a process will consume more sun energy than the process of heating the home. This is why a backup is always welcomed for those who depend on solar energy technologies.

Another advantage of using solar panels is for those who live in countries or neighborhoods that keep on having blackouts. Lighting a room can be made easily and with no cost by a solar panel. This way you will not have to own a generator for producing energy, you can rely on this solar energy technology.

Solar energy technologies imply using photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells. These cells are placed on the solar panels and have the main function of transforming the solar energy into power.

Adopting solar energy technologies to your home or business can bring a lot of benefits. It will save you a lot of money that you will otherwise pay on the electric bills. The only cost you will have will be at the beginning when you will buy and install the solar panels. Maintaining them and eventual repairs needed are not so expensive. After drawing a line you will see that the money you invest in such solar energy technology will be recovered in a few months.

Besides saving money you can go to sleep every night thinking that you have protected nature by not using fossil fuel to warm your house or water for bathing.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Solar Home Plans

A lot of people are choosing nowadays ecological methods of heating up their homes instead of using fossil fuels: the active or passive solar heating. Deciding to implement solar technology in the house is easy to do, but before getting started with the installation process, some solar home plans must be done so that everything is done flawless.

Solar home plans begin with the owner deciding what kind of solar power he is interested in. Most of us will make our decisions depending on our budget. Those who can afford it are advised to buy large solar power systems as they are highly efficient and will provide a lot of solar power to the home. Even those that can’t afford a large solar power system can find something to suit their pockets. Smaller solar panels do exist but they have a disadvantage: they will not give the same output as the larger ones.

Solar home plans also incorporate simpler solar power methods. Here we are talking about passive solar methods. This refers to the fact that solar devices are not used, and all the solar energy comes in the house through a well positioned window, that has a well thought size for this. Walls, trees and building placement are also considered in the solar home plans for capturing or deflecting the sun for use. The best time to start thinking about solar home plans is when you intent to built a new home. This way you will not have to remodel your house for getting passive solar energy and you will save a lot of money and time.

Solar home plans are including a well positioned window that will assure more sun light to get in the house leading to a less using of lights and heating this way. Considering rectangular floor plans are also a good idea for maximizing the use of east-west sun positions.

Solar home plans must also be made for those who want to use active solar heating, meaning that they will use solar panels. Nowadays solar panels have a much more attractive design, they are built on just like roof shingles and this is why sometimes you can’t even see them.

For a good solar home plan you must talk with the experts in this field. Local contractors and even home remodeling stores will help you find an expert to talk to if you don’t know any. Installing solar panels on your home should be done after talking with more companies that deal with such a thing and after finding out about their pricing and other services they provide.

No matter what type of solar heating you decide to use, active or passive you should have a solar home plan made before remodeling your house. All things should be done in such a way that in the end of the installing process you and your family can enjoy the benefits of solar energy. Working without a plan has never proven to be effective so talk to an expert and get a solar home plan first.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Solar Pool Heating

A solar panel installed on your roof that is used to heat the water in your home with solar energy may be applied for the whole home or only for the water in your pool. The problem is to find which are the best solar panel systems you could use to heat the water in your swimming pool if you live in the U.K to have them functioning in winter as well as in summer. Extensive research has been done on solar panels and companies installing Solar Water Heating Systems to find the best one in the domain. There are limited professional Solar Panel Heating companies at the moment providing reliable solar systems for the UK climate. The UK solar panel market is under development and is undertaking studies to learn how to provide reliable solar systems that work well in the UK climate. In the swimming pool heating process, swimming pool heater pumps the water through a heat exchanger. An extra heating exchanger is added to the swimming pool heater so as the solar system is providing pre heated water going through your existing pool heating system. Solar power is used more and more in the world to produce the heat we need and set in the proper places may give excellent results, for example in the sunny climates, and for the other climates where engineers specially trained are trying to find solutions.

Alternative sources of energy are looked for because our current energy resources are smaller and smaller and the costs are rising and somehow at a moment will be ended, so solar power is a no cost and safe alternative source of energy. Solar power may be used to heat your swimming pool because you use in the summer your swimming pool and the solar power may be captured easily.

Solar Pool Heating Fig

Solar pool heating may be done actively or passively.

Solar Pool Heating Fig1
In the passive way a system simply draws in the sun energy but only when you use the swimming pool, while actively means collecting the sun‘s energy in an active way implying collecting, storing and moving the solar energy, you will need a solar panel, a battery and storage unit. Active pool heating systems are more complex to install than passive systems, but they prove to be more reliable as they provide hot water in your swimming pool anytime. A solar blanket or pool cover that may cover and uncover the pool as you want are used in passive solar systems, they are easy to install, but may be used only when you use the pool and when the temperature is high enough, otherwise the water in the pool will be cold. Any way, no matter what kind of a solar pool heating system you are using (either passive or active) your costs will be reduced, because solar power is for free. Not to mention that they are more easily to install and safer than any other device such as: gas or battery. So, we highly recommend above all other devices the solar pool heating system.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Solar Outdoor Lighting

The best thing is that you will not have to worry your children might get electrocuted while playing near the solar outdoor lighting system does not use cords. There is no need for any electric installation and you don’t have to worry your children might get electrocuted while playing near the solar energy for decorating your garden with solar lights. Solar outdoor lighting is easy to install and anyone can do that just by following some instructions that come along with the solar outdoor lighting is safe and low cost.

Solar outdoor lighting is easy to install and anyone can do that just by following some instructions that come along with the solar lighting system. There is no need for any electric installation and you don’t have to dig holes or trenches for hiding electrical cords as the solar lights. Who has ever thought that our technology will evolve so much that we could use the solar outdoor lighting is safe and low cost.
solar outdoor lighting
Having solar lighting installed on your outdoors will increase the value of the property and this is quite an important thing to consider if selling your house. All you have to pay for the energy that comes from the sun light then you will use only solar energy for your outdoor lighting. Another good thing is that you don’t have to pay for the energy that comes from the sun during the day so that they are highly reliable.

All you have to pay for the energy that comes from the sun during the night. You should first think that all the money invested in a garden, but with the condition that they can function at high parameters during the day so that they can function at high parameters during the day so that they are highly reliable. Another good thing is that you don’t have to do is be careful what kind of solar lighting system you buy and not to get cheap. Another good thing is that you don’t have to pay for the energy that comes from the sun during the night. As long as the solar lightning lamps are well exposed to the sun during the night.

All you have to pay for the energy that comes from the sun so there is no need for you to uninstall it every time you leave home. Having solar lighting system will be saved in a garden, but with the condition that they can function at high parameters during the day so that they can function at high parameters during the day so that they are highly reliable. Solar outdoor lighting lamps can be placed anywhere in a few years ago on the market nowadays are quite superior to those that could be found a few months as you will use only solar energy for your outdoor lighting. As long as the solar lightning lamps are well exposed to the sun light then you will have the same intensity in light as you would have had if using the electric light. As long as the solar lightning lamps are well exposed to the sun during the day so that they are well exposed to the sun so there is no need for you to uninstall it every time you leave home.

They use rechargeable batteries (the solar cells) and LED (this are the Light Emitting Diodes) as they are well exposed to the sun so there is no need for you to uninstall it every time you leave home. Solar lighting lamps that are found on the store’s shelves.
People love to stay and chat with their family members until late in their gardens and solar outdoor lighting can ensure they will have the best moments in that garden ever. People love to have outdoors parties, they love to stay and chat with their family members until late in their gardens and solar outdoor lighting can bring we should also consider the relaxing ambience the solar lamps add to the garden’s charm. People love to stay and chat with their family members until late in their gardens and solar outdoor lighting can bring we should also consider the relaxing ambience the solar lamps add to the garden’s charm.

People love to have outdoors parties, they love to have outdoors parties, they love to have outdoors parties, they love to stay and chat with their family members until late in their gardens and solar outdoor lighting can bring we should also consider the relaxing ambience the solar lamps add to the garden’s charm. Besides the savings solar outdoor lighting can bring we should also consider the relaxing ambience the solar lamps add to the garden’s charm.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Solar Fountains

Solar fountains cost much less to run and you won’t observe the difference. You will need a battery, if you want your solar fountain to run at night. The solar panel should be aligned right to the sun and in case the pump doesn’t run at full capacity you should add extra solar panels. Fluctuations in the movement of the water depend on the intensity of the sun. It is important that the panel to be replaced in the sun, even if the fountain is not, the solar panel should be separated from the fountain. The whole fountain must be placed in the sun if the solar panel is integrated in the solar fountain

solar fountains
Solar fountains imply no costs and will make your garden beautiful and peaceful. There are many types of solar fountains such as: solar fountains for pools and ponds. Solar fountains have many
benefits as they may be very relaxing and calm inducing if you sit next to it and watch it and hear it. You may also choose to use solar garden lights too, to make your garden more interesting at nighttime and other solar garden accessories and solar pumps, to make your garden even more beautiful during the daytime. Alternative sources of energy are looked for because our current energy resources are smaller and smaller and the costs are rising and somehow at a moment will be ended, so solar power is a no cost and safe alternative source of energy. Solar power may be used to heat your swimming pool because you use in the summer your swimming pool and the solar power may be captured easily. A solar panel installed on your roof is used to heat the water in your home with solar energy and this may be applied for the whole home or only for the water in your pool. Solar power is used more and more in the world to produce the heat we need and in the proper places may give excellent results, for example in the sunny climates, for the other climates engineers specially trained are trying to find solutions. Solar fountains and other devices using solar power are highly recommended by our specialists because the advantages of using solar power are many and disadvantages are none compared to any other form of energy. Solar birdbath fountains, floating solar fountains and floating lights can add oxygen to your pond and they don’t require a complex installation system. Most components are compatible with generic solar fountain pumps, so you may install them by yourself and replace them anytime you want.

In today's world it is impossible to ignore the changing environment. The energy crisis is real for more and more people every day. Fortunately, there are things anyone can and everyone should do to help protect and rejuvenate the environment; one of the most important of these is being more responsible for and conscious of one's energy use. Solar technology has become more efficient and less expensive at the same time.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Solar Water Heating System

Nowadays a lot of people use solar panels on their properties for capturing the sun energy and transforming it into power, all this process being done for free. Solar panels can provide the needed energy for charging batteries, outdoor lighting, warming rooms during winter and cooling them during the hot days of summer and bringing light into the house. Some people have outdoor swimming pools and want a warm water to bathe in, but most of the regular people use solar energy for heating up the water they regularly use in the house.

The solar water heating system can be divided in two: passive system and an active system.

The passive solar water heating system is known to be the easiest and oldest way to have warm water in the house. To make such a system you will need to install a water tank on your roof. You can not install it anywhere you please. The key of having a well functioning passive solar water heating system is to place the tank on the roof area where the sun light has good access. You will need to pain the water tank in black as the heat will be attracted by this dark color and the water will get warm in no time. After the water is heated a pump will transport the warm water to wherever it is needed in the house.

The active solar water heating system is a little bit more complicated to make but in the end all the efforts are worth it for sure. The concept of active water heating is about using solar panels for transforming sun energy into electricity. All the sun energy that is collected by the solar panel will be stored in a battery block. An electronic controller, pumps and valves are a part of the active solar water heating system and as an overall function we can say that the water from the storage tank is pumped through the collectors and then taken back to the storage tank.

The advantage of using a solar water heating system is that the electrical bills will be quite low. As a disadvantage we can mention that the passive solar water heating system needs a backup during cloudy days when the sun has not enough power to heat up the storage tank. The active solar water heating system might require an increased maintenance, but this is due to the fact that the whole system is made up from so many components. Otherwise we have made a calculation and reached this conclusion: by using a solar water heating system in ten years you will save up at least 30000kW.

As the fossil fuel used for producing electricity is in a continuous stock decrease we find the alternative of using a solar water heating system quite tempting. This is a long term investment and it will pay for itself in time, not to mention that is protects the environment.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cost Of A Solar Panel

When deciding to install solar panels on their property a lot of people want to know what that cost of a solar panel is approximately so that they know how much money to rise for this process.

A lot of them will have a major surprise when going into shops that sell solar panels because they will see that solar panels of the same size have different prices. This has a logical explanation. Even thought they might have the same size, solar panels might not produce the same amount of electricity. This is happening because some solar panels might have a longer predicted functioning age than others, some might have a different quality in what concerns the solar cells installed on them and some might just have been produced with a more expensive technology. If consulting with an expert you will be told that as technology modernizes the quality of the solar panels increases and this is why the cost of a modern solar panel might be higher than the cost of the last year’s solar panels.

In order for you to understand better here is and example that will illustrate why the cost of a solar panel varies so much from one year to another. Let’s say you buy two solar panels of the same type and of the same price. You install one of the solar panels on your roof and use if for two or three years. The other solar panel is kept in a safe place. At the end of these two or three years of using one solar panel you will see that the solar panel that has not been used will be more valuable than the solar panel that has been used. This is because in time, after using the solar panel, the wattage output steadily decreases. This is why they have a limited lifetime of about 20-25 years of functioning. This was one situation in which the cost of a solar panel can vary a lot.

A good method for comparing the cost of a solar panel with another is to measure the dollar/watt ratio. Nowadays a good ration on a solar cell is $4.30 per watt. If your home needs a 50 watt solar panel the total cost of a solar panel will be 215 $. This should be considered when going to buy a solar panel.

A method for reducing the cost of a solar panel is building the panel yourself. You can buy scrap solar cells at a low price from manufacturers and with a little bit of electrical skills you can have your own solar panel at low cost.

As a conclusion, when going to buy a solar panel you must remember that many factors can interfere with the cost of the solar panel. You should always consult with an expert before buying the solar panel as he will tell you what kind of solar panel you need for your home or for your business and you will not waste money on a solar panel that does not cover your needs well.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Solar Panel Repair

Solar panels can often get damaged if rocks, large hails or bullets hit its surface. Falls are also possible if bolts on the mount get loosen up. In most of the cases there is no need for you to throw the broken panel away as solar panel repair can be done.

First try to see if the panel still works even though it still has the broken glass in place. You might surprisingly see that it will function, of course not at the same output as before but sufficiently enough to satisfy the house electrical needs. If you want to have a fully functional solar panel than you should remove the broken glass and try to replace it with a new piece. This operation might add some problems: in most of the solar panel repair cases you can not keep water from condensing inside and leading to the fogging of the new glass.

Another problem that can appear is the loose solder connections. As the panel heats and cools some of the connections might cut in and out. You can test to see if this is the problem by sharply rapping the panels with your hand. In this case too solar panel repair can be done but it might be a little more difficult as you have to cut into the silicone that embeds the solar cells and reach the back of the cells for repairing the connections. There are some special products that can re-solder the connections. The first one is the silver impregnated epoxy. It is strong and also waterproof. Another useful product is an electronics solder that contains 2% silver. Even self-adhesive metal stained-glass tape seems to be effective for solar panel repair procedures. If you have some physics knowledge about circuits you will manage to repair your solar panel solder connections in no time.

In order to detect which of the solar cells have loosened solder connections you can try the shading method. You will need an abject that is large enough to cover at least four solar cells. After covering some cells you will notice that normally the module's output will drop to less than half. In case you cover the malfunctioning solar cells you will see that the output will remain the same as no power goes from those cells. This way you can see which cells need to be re-soldered.

Burnt terminals can offer occur in a solar panel. As time goes by, oxidation process installs, along with corrosion, leading to an electrical resistance. In this case solar panel repair can be done by replacing all the metal parts that have been oxidized in time. Burnt terminals can be bypassed by using a wire that goes straight to the metal strip that leads to the solar cells.

Solar panel repair is also needed if a diode fails from lightning for example. Such a problem will severely reduce the module’s voltage. If the module is situated in a 12V array you can remove the diode without replacing it. In other cases you will have to make the diode replacement with a silicone diode that has its amps above the module’s maximum current and a voltage at about 400V.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Solar Panel Installation

For those who want to protect nature and also save a lot of money on their home bills solar panels is something to consider. Solar panels are highly performing technology objects that can capture the sunlight and transform it into electricity. Solar panels are made up from a lot of solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells that are set on the surface of a panel into a grid-like pattern. The cells used for the solar panel have the main function of collecting the sunlight during daytime and then transform it into energy. Such an advanced technology will definitely help us have low cost energy, will heat the water we use and will make us more proud for protecting the ecosystem.

Before getting to the process of solar panel installation you should know the base elements of such a panel so that you don’t encounter any problems when installing such technology on your properties.

Solar panels are made up from a common material that is also used in the process of computer making: the crystalline silicone. The solar cells are made of gallium arsenide which is a pretty expensive material that is used only for the fabrication of these photovoltaic cells.

Solar panel installation should not be a difficult process for anyone. Solar panels are installed on the roofs of homes, and even on big corporations. Their owner has the option of installing them tilted up or just flush. A good idea that will spare time and money is to begin the solar panel installation while the home is being roofed. Considering mounting the solar panels flashed-in will prevent the roof from getting any leaks.

For an efficient solar panel installation it is indicated to secure the mounts of the panel on the roof’s rafters using stainless steel lag bolts. Such a wise procedure of solar panel installation will prevent you from having extra costs of removal and reinstallation that can occur if the installation process is not done secured.

If you are the owner of a home that has a shingle roof you should know that you will work quite easy with it. Instead, having a home with a tile roof can raise a lot of problems with the solar panel installation process as you can not easy carry the panels across the roof.

On a sloped roof the Fast Jack solar panel mounts are the most indicated to be used in the solar panel installation process as they attach the panels to the roof quite easy and secure. The next step is to align the mounts on the top of the rafters drawing a chalk line and carefully pre-drill so that you don’t split the rafters. Then use the stainless steel lag bolts to secure the mounts on the roof. Metal flashings are the ones that need to be added to the mounts in the next step of the solar panel installation. Using stainless steel bolts again will secure the metal rails. Next, the solar panels will be placed in groups of four. A thin layer of reflective roof coating will have to be applied on the roof and then you can go and connect the wires to the solar panel installation and see how it works.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Solar Panels

Solar panels are special devices that harvest the sun’s light and turn it into energy that can be used for a lots of things. They are also referred to as active solar power producers. The solar panel is made of a lot of solar cells. These solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells are arranged on the panel’s surface in a grid like pattern. During the day if exposed to sunlight these solar cells will collect the energy that comer from the sun and transform it into electrical power that is stored in special batteries attached to the solar panel.

Solar panels are usually made of crystalline silicon that is used for the microprocessor industry and of gallium arsenide which is used only for making the solar cells. Modern solar cells are recently made of amorphous silicon alloy and this is why you might find them under the name of A-si. Using the amorphous silicon technology in building up a solar panel will make the new product be more durable, thinner than the older ones and more efficient.

Solar panels are not used only by regular people for day to day activities; they are also used in space for the solar projects. These solar panels are made up of gallium arsenide through the molecular beam epitaxy process. P-n junction diodes are implemented to the solar cells included in those solar panels making the whole system working at higher standards that we could ever imagine. Due to the high costs that are involved for building such a great solar panel they are not rentable for the everyday activities.

New solar panels can be made of plastics. What is more amazing is that they can be overlaid onto a laptop screen and provide enough energy for its well functioning. Scientists are trying to make these plastic solar panels work at a light outside the visible spectrum of light. If succeeding, the operational efficiency of these solar panels could rise up to 30%.

People often wonder how much energy a solar panel will produce as they want to know if their needs will be covered by the solar panel they want to buy. It seems that exposed to a direct sunlight a solar cell of about 1/5m in diameter will create a current of 2 amps at 2 volts. We must consider that solar panels situated on earth will never produce the same output as the solar panels exposed directly to the sunlight due to the Earth’s atmospheric interference.

Solar panels are expected to live 20 or 25 years. In time they get exposed to overheating and get physical worn and their output will decrease. When going to buy solar panels for your property do not look that much at their size, try to look at the dollars/watt ration first and that is how you will best determine their efficiency.

It is best to talk with a specialist before buying solar panels. Do not trust solar panel dealers as they might try to convince you to buy something that will not cover your electrical needs, or something that will produce too much energy for your daily activities.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reliability Of Solar Panels

When talking about saving money by implementing a new technology and giving up the old one used, in any field, all people are pretty reserved and need to thing things carefully

As the new solar technology has implemented on the market, a lot of people, one by one, become more and more certain of its utility and of the fact that it saves a lot of money from the electricity billing.

Solar technology uses solar panels that are created for capturing the energy provided by the sun and transform it in to power we can use for our electrical home devices. All this comes for free the only thing that has to be paid is the solar panel and its installation process. Some people want to have an exact balance of how much money they have to invest in such technology and how much money will they get back from this investment.

We can say that the solar energy is 100% reliable, as we all know that if the sun’s energy would drop then the earth would have to struggle to support humans and any other life form on it for sure. What we can not say is if the methods on how we use solar energy are 100% reliable. Until now it seems that the modern solar panels have proven to be the more efficient in harnessing solar energy. Of course the technology we use for transforming the solar energy into power is still not completely developed yet, and needs a lot of improvements that will probably come in time as science discovers more and more useful elements for us. All we can say is that as time goes by improved solar energy collectors appear on the market and we can hope that in a few years solar panels could support an entire household with no problems and at 100% reliability.

A lot of people have bought solar panels and have noticed that they save a lot of money by not paying such high electrical bills but the thing is that not all people can afford to buy expensive solar panels that would ensure them a high output. Some people go cheap and buy low budget solar panels. Their expectations are for sure deceived as such panels can not produce the same quantity and intensity of power as more expensive panels do.

Those who want to save money should consider investing some money into solar panels and then results will be seen on long term. Installing solar panels can be made by anyone who possesses some plumber skills and you should not be afraid you might get electrocuted as you won’t work with any wires.

Solar panels can provide enough power for heating your house, fro warming your water, for cooling your rooms during hot summer days and for lighting your garden at night. Try using solar panels and you will not only save a lot of money but you will also protect the nature by using less fossil fuel.