

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Solar Pool Heating

A solar panel installed on your roof that is used to heat the water in your home with solar energy may be applied for the whole home or only for the water in your pool. The problem is to find which are the best solar panel systems you could use to heat the water in your swimming pool if you live in the U.K to have them functioning in winter as well as in summer. Extensive research has been done on solar panels and companies installing Solar Water Heating Systems to find the best one in the domain. There are limited professional Solar Panel Heating companies at the moment providing reliable solar systems for the UK climate. The UK solar panel market is under development and is undertaking studies to learn how to provide reliable solar systems that work well in the UK climate. In the swimming pool heating process, swimming pool heater pumps the water through a heat exchanger. An extra heating exchanger is added to the swimming pool heater so as the solar system is providing pre heated water going through your existing pool heating system. Solar power is used more and more in the world to produce the heat we need and set in the proper places may give excellent results, for example in the sunny climates, and for the other climates where engineers specially trained are trying to find solutions.

Alternative sources of energy are looked for because our current energy resources are smaller and smaller and the costs are rising and somehow at a moment will be ended, so solar power is a no cost and safe alternative source of energy. Solar power may be used to heat your swimming pool because you use in the summer your swimming pool and the solar power may be captured easily.

Solar Pool Heating Fig

Solar pool heating may be done actively or passively.

Solar Pool Heating Fig1
In the passive way a system simply draws in the sun energy but only when you use the swimming pool, while actively means collecting the sun‘s energy in an active way implying collecting, storing and moving the solar energy, you will need a solar panel, a battery and storage unit. Active pool heating systems are more complex to install than passive systems, but they prove to be more reliable as they provide hot water in your swimming pool anytime. A solar blanket or pool cover that may cover and uncover the pool as you want are used in passive solar systems, they are easy to install, but may be used only when you use the pool and when the temperature is high enough, otherwise the water in the pool will be cold. Any way, no matter what kind of a solar pool heating system you are using (either passive or active) your costs will be reduced, because solar power is for free. Not to mention that they are more easily to install and safer than any other device such as: gas or battery. So, we highly recommend above all other devices the solar pool heating system.

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