

Friday, December 7, 2007

Know About Solar Power

Pros of the solar cooker

* Pays back all the initial costs in only 18 months
* Works for many years without any operational costs.
* Has no operational costs as sunshine is always free.

Reducing fatigue

* Doesn't make exterior of the pot dirty, hence no much cleaning.
* Eliminates use of firewood which is cumbersome especially during rainy seasons.


* No smoke realted infections
* No eye imflammation
* No exposure to lung cancer


* No long journeys in search of firewood from forests.
* Minimal running costs as in the traditional heating where firewood must be constantly acquired.


* No burking dangers, especially for children
* No injury as may occur while splitting firewood.
* No burning down of huts.


* Production of solar cookers will provide employment opportunities.


* No carbon dioxide emission.
* No more trees felled for firewood.
* Exhaust fumes during timber transportation eliminated.
* Biomass cannot be used for cooking and should instead be used to fertilize the fields.
* Fights deforestation and desertification.
* Protects animals


* Self protection against environmental destruction and climatic catastrophe.

. This is a typical 3-stones cooking place, standard in many developing countries.

The smoke emission in a kitchen is equivalent to the daily inhaling of 40 cigarettes.

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